
Extended details about the state of WebXR and its various implementations.

Extended Support Info

Browser Engine/OS Support Table

There is an existing table detailing support of individual WebXR components at https://immersiveweb.dev/#supporttable.

The following table shows the current state of support between the WebXR implementation of different browser engines and all major operating systems.

Chromium Gecko WebKit Servo
Windows Yes Yes1 No Yes2
macOS macOS currently lacks any VR/XR runtimes for implementation.
Linux No3 No3 No No4
BSD BSD currently lacks any VR/XR runtimes for implementation.
Android Yes Yes No Yes
iOS No No No No
visionOS No No Yes No

1 Requires both the dom.vr.enabled and dom.vr.webxr.enabled prefs to be enabled and either OpenVR or Oculus runtimes for rendering. Implementation is fairly functional but technically incomplete and not actively worked on.

2 Support is in codebase but not shipped in any ports by default.

3 See this GitHub repo for unofficial patches enabling WebXR on Linux.

4 This is being actively worked on.

Why Can't I Use WebXR In X On Y?

I would say there are 4 major requirements for being able to use WebXR:




WebXR WPT Results

Active WebXR Bugs/Issues


Still figuring out how to best embed these, in the meantime you can view directly here.


ID Summary Last Updated


ID Summary Last Updated

Specification Status

Name Target Date